Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Thesis in Specialty Training: Analysis of the Last 20 Years in Turkey
Original Article
P: 25-30
March 2021

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Thesis in Specialty Training: Analysis of the Last 20 Years in Turkey

Turk J Child Adolesc Ment Health 2021;28(1):25-30
1. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı, Samsun, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 01.07.2020
Accepted Date: 19.08.2020
Publish Date: 26.02.2021



This study aimed to investigate qualitative analysis and times cited of thesis in child psychiatry. As a secondary purpose, it is aimed to find out the factors that affect to publication and citation analysis of theses.

Materials and Methods:

Thesis studies that were conducted between 1996-2017 and uploaded to the Higher Education Council Thesis Center database were investigated. The method, pattern, research tools, age groups and subjects of the studies were recorded. In order to examine the publication status of the thesis work, name of the author, name of the thesis principle investigator and thesis keywords were searched in the Web of Science, SCImago, ULAKBİM and Google Scholar databases and the citation numbers of the publications were obtained from the Google Scholar database.


Four hundred twenty sewen theses made between 1997-2017 were examined. 50.6% (n: 216) of the theses were converted into publications in databases. 40.7% of all theses are published in journals scanned in SSCI, SCI and SCI-E. Theses were grouped according to number of citations they received annually, significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of study patterns (χ²: 39.406, p: 0.009), and post-hoc tests showed that epidemiological studies received higher citations. There was no statistically significant difference between among these groups; study tools (χ²: 15.434, p: 0.421), subject of study (χ²: 77.749, p: 0.391), age group (χ²: 16.020, p: 0.157) and academic titles of thesis PI’s (χ²: 2.697, p: 0.846).


Theses in our field have converted into publications at high rates, and the number of citations they receive annually is ahead of other medical sciences in our country. It has been determined that studies examining the prevalence are cited at a higher rate. In the future studies, it should be aimed to reach higher quality with this lessons we learned from the past and should use data-driven approach.


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