Relationship Between Problematic Internet Use and Depression Levels in Children and Their Mothers’ Psychological Resilience
Original Article
P: 160 - 167
July 2024

Relationship Between Problematic Internet Use and Depression Levels in Children and Their Mothers’ Psychological Resilience

Turk J Child Adolesc Ment Health 2024;31(2):160-167
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 10.08.2022
Accepted Date: 08.01.2024
Online Date: 31.07.2024
Publish Date: 31.07.2024



This research aims to reveal the relationship between problematic internet use by children, their depression levels and their mother’s psychological resilience.

Materials and Methods:

This study consists of 384 3rd and 4th grade elementary students and their mothers who live in İstanbul. The children completed sociodemographic information form and the children's depression inventory, the mothers completed “sociodemographic ınformation form”, “family-child internet addiction form” and “brief psychological resilience scale”.


According to the results, maternal psychological resilience and children’s problematic internet use are correlated. The mothers’ psychological resilience, the children’s depression levels, and problematic internet use were differentiated by different variables. According to the correlation and regression analysis, the mothers’ psychological resilience predicted their children’s problematic internet use negatively while the depression level of children predicts internet addiction positively.


This study highlighted the importance of research on problematic internet use in children, the consideration of depression when evaluating internet addiction, and the effect of the psychological resilience of mothers on the well-being.

Internet, depression, psychological resilience


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